You cannot fail at being YOURSELF

We often, hear ourselves telling others, “I love you” but the irony is, do we love ourselves?!
Let’s be clear about this – We can love others only if we love ourselves. Even in the flight, the air hostess instructs us to wear the oxygen mask and then help others. Similarly, first let us learn to help and love ourselves and only then can we help others.

Self-acceptance is all about loving yourself for who you are. Yes – Who you are! Not what you should have been and not what you want to be but who you are- NOW!

You must be wondering – but, how do I accept myself – when I always feel low while comparing myself with others, have a low self – esteem, and think I'm good for nothing (especially when I make terrible mistakes)

Here is the key!
1. Look at yourself in the mirror. Hug yourself, kiss yourself. Admire every scar, stretch mark that you have. They play a major part in making you. It’s okay to have them.
Look into your eyes and keep affirming – I LOVE MYSELF, I RESPECT MYSELF, I ACCEPT MYSELF THE WAY I AM.
2. Be your own best friend. Be there for yourself in good and bad times. Think of how would you advise a friend in a similar situation and follow it!
We are very good with providing solutions to others but can barely solve our own problems! Try this it will be very helpful.
3. Change your perspective. You are human. You will make mistakes. What's important is that you grow with those mistakes and get wiser. How simple is it for us to forgive others, but it takes a lot of time to forgive ourselves. It’s okay to make mistakes. Don’t consider your whole self to be a failure! Oh yes, you did fail but only in that part of your life or that instance or situation. You as a whole have not failed. So why be so self-critical?
Give yourself another chance.
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance! - Oscar Wilde
Celebrate You. You are YOUnique. There's no one else made like you. That's a great reason to celebrate!
Let's simply devote each day in loving ourselves more!
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