Your Image is YOU in the mind of others!
It is a MENTAL PICTURE that others create of you.
It reflects the condition of your MIND and HEART.

An image is formed within few seconds of people meeting us!

Image Management is the art and science of managing one’s appearance to create powerful first impressions, to get more opportunities in life and acquiring necessary soft skills to perform when these opportunities present themselves. It covers the complete spectrum of appearance, behavior, communication and digital foot print.

It is all about respect—respect for self and respect for others, respect for occasions, roles, and goals. 

Image Management is Visual Communication. Visual Communication = Appearance.This includes Clothing, Grooming, Body Language and Etiquette. Appearance is one of the most EMOTIONAL and CONTROVERSIAL topics in the world!

Whether we like it or not, we are always communicating. even when we are silent, we are actually communicating something. Similarly, we may not realize but our clothes also give out a lot of messages. We CANNOT not communicate.

Complete Framework of Image Management

Image Management is the most essential skill in today’s competitive world where one needs to stand out just to survive. Gone are the days wherein academic education and technical knowledge were enough to be successful. These elements are possessed by many people today and Image Management provides the winning edge.

When you look the part,
You feel the part.
Then you act the part
And become the part.
Image Management is inside out.

Rhea Punjabi is an Image and Self-Enhancement Coach. She is certified by the Image Consulting Business Institute. She also holds an All India All Time Rank 3 in Train the Trainer program certified by NABET (National Accreditation Board of Education and Training). She completed her MBA from K.J Somaiya Institute and proceeded to work in the fast and challenging corporate environment. Passionate about teaching, meeting new people and networking, the move to becoming a Soft Skills Trainer and Image Consultant was a natural fit. With encouragement from family and friends, she started training in 2016. In her free time, she loves exploring new cafes and restaurants, reading inspirational articles and traveling within and outside India.

For workshops and one on one coaching,
Call : +91 - 8291998225
Email us: info@rheapunjabi.com


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