Image result for elevator pitch

What is an elevator pitch?

Also called an Elevator Speech or Elevator Statement, an Elevator Pitch is a short sales pitch telling someone who we are and do we deserve to be hired by them. An elevator pitch is typically for 30 to 60 seconds in duration, that is the time you would spend in an elevator ride. 

If your pitch in those 30 to 60 seconds leave a powerful first impression, it will lead to a conversation or exchange of business cards or a meeting.

Image result for elevator pitch

To perfect your elevator pitch, here are few Do's and Don'ts:


1. Include your name and attach an identity or credential (e.g. Actor, Comedian, Artist)

2. Create a hook: Try to find something in common between the recruiter/listener and you (e.g same college, same home town etc.). This is help is striking a great rapport

3. Mention your goals and interests. This will enable the person to connect you to the right person within his/her organization

4. Don't just say " I always had a passion in this field." Substantiate this with your experiences and examples. Demonstrate your passion!

5. Always state your need towards the end of the pitch. An elevator pitch without a good closing holds no meaning. Ask the person if they could assist you in someway. For e.g by giving the concerned person's contact or by meeting you at a later date to explore opportunities

6. Your elevator pitch will change as per your target audience. Hence, keep different sets of pitches ready. For e.g. an elevator pitch given to a start-up will be very different than that given to a giant company

7. Your pitch needs to have a story. The story should include a problem and how you solved it or faced the challenges

8. Remember, all this in 30 to 60 seconds!


1. Forget to rehearse your pitch. Practice, Practice, Practice!

2. Sound robotic: We need to rehearse our pitches but not sound robotic. Maintain good eye contact and keep that smile going!

3. Brag or oversell yourself: Excessive use of jargon or heavy description will not make you look realistic. On the other hand, if you undersell you won't be able to get the most of this opportunity

4. Forget your USP: It is very important to state what makes your different from your competitors, do this by stating your USP (Unique Selling Point)

5. Forget to pause: Breathe! Don't rush through the speech

Can you share some more tips? Please feel free to add your comments.

Rhea Punjabi is an Image and Self-Enhancement Coach. She is certified by the Image Consulting Business Institute. She also holds an All India All Time Rank 3 in Train the Trainer program certified by NABET (National Accreditation Board of Education and Training). She completed her MBA from K.J Somaiya Institute and proceeded to work in the fast and challenging corporate environment. Passionate about teaching, meeting new people and networking, the move to becoming a Soft Skills Trainer and Image Consultant was a natural fit. With encouragement from family and friends, she started training in 2016. In her free time, she loves exploring new cafes and restaurants, reading inspirational articles and travelling within and outside India.

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