
Showing posts from September, 2018

5 Easy steps to get your child eat properly at the table

Can I really make my child eat appropriately at the table? What manners can I teach him? What should I do if my child misbehaves at the table? Are there some better ways of making my child learn? You must have asked these questions to yourself if you have a child. Children have a growing mind, and they can’t distinguish between what is right and what is wrong for them. So, if you wish to teach them something you need to be very creative! Here are 5 steps to make your child behave pleasantly and eat properly at the table: 1.      Plan It Well: If you want anything to get right, you need to plan things properly. Decide what would you like your child to learn and jot it down on a paper. You can write points like: ·        I want my child not to drag the chair when he comes to eat. ·        I want my child to come with clean hands and face. ·        I ...